Enjoy A Healthy, Hyper-Productive Garden & Nutrient-Dense Produce Without Synthetic Inputs!

Liquid Microbe Garden Mix
“My orchids love it! The next day they are glowing, you can really see the difference! Amazing product, I was really surprised with the obvious results!!”
-Joe G Canberra, ACT
Show Your Soil Some Love With Our 100% Organic, Biologically Active Liquid Microbes!
A Combination of Organic, Growth-Stimulating Fertilisers And Our In-House Mix of Beneficial Soil Bacteria & Fungi That Establishes and Enhances The Natural Soil Food Web In Your Garden So That Your Plants Can Derive All The Nutrients They Need 100% Naturally!
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100% Money Back Guarantee
“My orchids love it! The next day they are glowing, you can really see the difference! Amazing product, I was really surprised with the obvious results!!”
-Joe G Canberra, ACT
Show Your Soil Some Love With Our 100% Organic, Biologically Active Liquid Microbes!
A Combination of Organic, Growth-Stimulating Fertilisers And Our In-House Mix of Beneficial Soil Bacteria & Fungi That Establishes and Enhances The Natural Soil Food Web In Your Garden So That Your Plants Can Derive All The Nutrients They Need 100% Naturally!
Emmanuel Showing Off Some Huge Zucchinis!
Great Results From Mark From Manildra, NSW!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“My orchids love it! The next day they are glowing, you can really see the difference! Amazing product, I was really surprised with the obvious results!!”
-Joe G
Canberra, ACT
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Good organic product. Applied to my gardens, plant growth and health appear better even with low rain fall. ”
- G.I.
Taree, NSW
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Applied to my veggie patch. It was fantastic everything in my garden was happier and looked healthier. I would recommend this product and have to friends and family, it just boosted everything.
- Drew
Tea Gardens, NSW
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Used on my garden and lawn. Great response to green growth, and soil improvement. I was cautious about how much benefit I would see for the cost, but definitely intend to keep using the product. Would recommend to other gardeners because it works.”
- Paul S
Stanthorpe, QLD
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“I used the Liquid Microbe Garden mix on my vegetable and fruit gardens. My vegetable plant this season are looking so healthy and much stronger than usual.
I would love to recommend Microstart gardening as it was so easy to apply and as I avoid using chemicals and artificial fertilisers, I like that Microstart has only natural ingredients that are so beneficial to the soil.
I think that Microstart products are amazing as they encourage looking after our soils and earth, making the environment and ourselves, healthier. Awesome. ”
- Beryl
Warragul VIC
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“I'm using their product on my garden and have seen my flowers stand up more and the colour in my flowers is brighter 💞💞💞💞"
- C.L.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Through the past three months of use we’ve seen greener lawns, greater flower yield and healthier veggie patches after applying the Microstart Liquid Microbe Garden Mix.
Microstart products are the environmentally friendly alternative to chemical fertilisers and I would recommend for the garden shed of home gardeners or in the tool box of the commercial contractors alike.
Thanks Microstart! ”
- Karl L, LKDI Gardening
Mount Gambier, SA
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Used it on our front garden. We now have the most beautiful display of roses. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend microstart to anybody, because it works.
- R.K.
Cowra NSW
Our Liquid Microbe Garden Mix is a concentrated, biologically active input that is applied by mixing with fresh water and applying to the soil of the plant.
When mixed 1L of Liquid Microbe Garden Mix will cover:
125m² of lawn
25-50m² of general garden soil (vegetables, ornamentals etc). Density varies depending on soil condition (problem soil = higher density).
5 large/15 small trees (amount varies depending on tree size, apply evenly under entire tree canopy).
The ratio of product to water varies depending on the type of plant being treated:
1:5 for fruit and other trees.
1:9 for other fruit plants, vegetables and flowers.
1:24 for lawns.
(ratio = product : water)
Experience The Incredible Benefits Of Thriving Soil!
Smart gardeners focus on building healthy soil, and for good reason! By establishing healthy and balanced soil biology, you establish a natural biological system that is able to naturally feed and look after your garden without the need for ANY synthetic chemicals!
Healthy Root Growth
Stimulates healthy root growth while reversing soil compaction so that plants can derive the most goodness from the soil as possible.
Increased Plant Nutrient Density
Increases sugar levels of plant so that nutrient density and plant taste improve alongside natural pest and disease resistance (sugar levels can be verified with a Brix refractometer).
Upward Spiral of Soil & Plant Health
Unlike conventional plant fertilisers that result in diminishing gains with repeated use, soil biology and plant health IMPROVES and becomes more robust with repeated use - the more applications the healthier both the soil and plant become.
Save Money On Fertilisers And Pest Control
Once a healthy soil biology ecosystem is established, plants are much less likely to be over run by pests and diseases due to higher immunity from increased sugar levels*.
This means that you spend less time and money on trying to fight pests and diseases and more time enjoying your beautiful produce!
Microstart Custom Microbial Mix of Beneficial Bacteria And Fungi
We produce our own organic, liquid microbe concentrate that contains billions of beneficial soil bacteria and fungi.
By adding our liquid microbes to your soil, you are actively building your soil microbe ecosystem and building the natural soil food web - allowing your plants to derive all the nutrients it needs naturally!
Certified Organic Liquid Kelp
Containing over 29 beneficial minerals and trace elements. Liquid kelp not only helps to feed and grow your soil biology, but it also feeds your plant without harming the soil biology in any way.
Kelp allows you to achieve that productivity “kick” without resorting to harmful chemical fertilisers that result in long term damage to the soil.
Certified Organic Fish Hydrolysate
Naturally high in phosphorus as well as a wide range of major nutrients and trace elements in plant available form, fish hydrolysate is beneficial directly to plants as well as being especially useful for feeding soil fungi - which then helps to build solid soil structure and integrity.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Our No-Risk Promise To You:
Try out our Liquid Microbes for 30 days and if you’re not satisfied with the results, you’ll get your money back!We aim to make trying our biological gardening as risk-free as possible. So if you’re not totally satisfied, you’ll get your money back!
Click here to learn more about our refund policy.
Improved 2.0 Concentrated Formula!
*Shipping costs calculated at checkout
How do I apply the Liquid Microbes to my garden?
Applying the Liquid Microbes to your garden is a simple matter of mixing with water in a watering can/knapsack sprayer and then applying straight to the soil/lawn.
Detailed application instructions and mixing ratios can be found in our downloadable PDF by clicking here. -
How long will it take to see results?
We recommend waiting 3-4 weeks for the soil biology to start to take effect and to really see some results. The speed of results vary greatly depending on the current soil conditions, some soils need a bit more time to get going. However it is not uncommon for us to see a boost in productivity within the first week.
If you are not at all happy with your results, you are welcome to a full refund as per our satisfaction guarantee.
Will I need to use fertilisers and pest control after using your Liquid Microbes?
Once you’ve established healthy soil biology in your soil, you will not need to use any synthetic fertilisers in order to see productive, healthy growth in your plants.
Our liquid microbe garden mix also contains 100% natural and organic fertilisers to give your plant an initial kick (without compromising the health of the soil biology like most synthetic fertilisers).
The healthier your soil ecosystem, the stronger your plants immunity will be to pests and diseases - meaning you will begin to see less problems without any extra work on your part.
Also, a healthy and balanced soil food web makes for unsuitable soil conditions for weeds, which means that you should see a gradual decrease in weed populations in your garden on soil that has been treated biologically.
How can I verify that the product is working and that my plants are getting healthier?
A simple way to check the health of any plant is to take a sugar level reading using a Brix refractometer.
These handy tools measure the sugar levels in the plant by crushing a sample of the plant leaf and dropping the “juice” onto the refractometer, which then gives a sugar level reading.
The higher the sugar levels of the plant, the healthier it is and the stronger it’s immune system. And with each percentage increase in a plants sugar levels, it’s nutritional goodness doubles.
We recommend taking sugar level readings at the time of application, and then 30 days afterwards.
To get an accurate comparison, make sure to take the reading at the same time of day as plant sugar levels fluctuate throughout the day according to sunlight exposure.
How long does the product last for? What is the shelf life?
The sooner you can apply the liquid microbes to your soil the better as they are biologically active and eventually the biology will die if left sitting in a bottle for extended periods of time.
The product will generally last up to 3 months from the purchase date safely as long as it's stored in a cool place out of direct sunlight. A good rule of thumb to follow is if it smells bad, don’t apply it to your garden, as this means the biology has gone anaerobic and will be harmful to your soil and plants. If it smells normal, it's still good to use.
Does putting your liquid microbes into containers change the biology from aerobic to anaerobic? (Therefore defeating the purpose of adding aerobic beneficials?)
This was an initial issue we had to overcome when bottling our liquid microbes, as if we used a completely “sealed” container, the biology would indeed turn anaerobic and cause hard to any soil it comes in contact with.
When bottling our liquid microbes we use a special kind of vented cap that has a very fine filter which still allows for air flow inside the bottle yet doesn't leak any of the product, keeping the biology from going anaerobic.
We've tested our liquid microbes after a few weeks inside the bottle and all is still healthy and ready for use!
Where do you ship to and how much does shipping cost?
We ship via Australia Post within Australia.
As you go through checkout and enter your postal address, your shipping rates will be calculated in real time based on your order and postal address.
We also ship via freight for orders larger than 20L. Please get in contact if you would like to arrange a freight quote. -
What is the Soil Food Web and how do your Liquid Microbes help to cultivate it?
The soil food web is the living ecosystem of biology in the soil that when healthy, provides plants with all the essential nutrients they require for health and productivity 100% naturally.
Our Liquid Microbe Garden Mix allows you to add beneficial soil biology into your soil in order to cultivate the Soil Food Web ecosystem.
You can watch this video by world renown soil biologist, Dr Elaine Ingham that will help to give you a clear understanding of the soil food web.
Where can I learn more about the Soil Food Web and Biological Gardening?
A great place to start to get a basic understanding would be to watch these short explainer videos by Dr Elaine Ingam on YouTube (they're free to watch).
Another great resource for Australians is Dr Mary Cole from Agpath, who regularly holds workshops on biological farming and regenerative agriculture. You can learn more about Dr Mary Cole and Agpath here.
Microstart is an Australian-owned and family operated company run by Darren and Ryan Kuchel.
After working with Australian farmers to help organically improve soil biology and pasture health and production, Darren and Ryan are now excited to offer their 100% natural biological solutions to gardeners across the country.
Our goal is to help as many Australian farmers and gardeners to move away from harmful chemicals and artificial applications, so that they can grow the healthiest, most nutritious produce 100% naturally by utilizing the exciting science of biological and regenerative horticulture and agriculture.
We work closely with world renowned soil biologist Dr Mary Cole from Agpath Australia to ensure that our biological products are the highest quality they can possibly be.
You can learn more about our biological solutions for farmers by going to www.microstartfarming.com.au.