Over 29 Beneficial Minerals and Trace Elements.
Direct From The Ocean. Straight To Your Soil.

Organic Liquid Kelp
Containing Over 29 beneficial Minerals and Trace Elements, Microstart Organic Liquid Kelp Directly Feeds and Boosts Your Garden Without Any of The Harmful Side Effects That Come With Synthetic Fertilisers, While Also Feeding and Strengthening The Beneficial Bacteria In Your Soil.
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Containing Over 29 beneficial Minerals and Trace Elements, Microstart Organic Liquid Kelp Directly Feeds and Boosts Your Garden Without Any of The Harmful Side Effects That Come With Synthetic Fertilisers, While Also Feeding and Strengthening The Beneficial Bacteria In Your Soil.
Microstart Organic Liquid Kelp comes from 100% Natural Australian Bull Kelp (Australian Durvillaea Potatorum) which contains high concentrations of beneficial trace elements, minerals, alginic acid, amino acids and a wide variety of complex organic compounds.
Use of this specific type of liquid kelp has been shown to improve soil structure and aeration, which increases plant respiration and nutrient absorption ability.
Disease resistance and improved soil water retention have also been associated with the use of this Liquid Kelp, resulting in increased yields and plant resilience.
Experience The All Natural Benefits Of 100% Natural Australian Bull Kelp
✔ Improved soil structure and aeration
✔ Increased respiration and nutrient absorption
✔ Increased disease resistance
✔ Rapid productivity boost without negative effects to soil health (as is common with synthetic fertilisers)
✔ Increases plant growth hormones naturally
✔ Increased plant resilience (frost protection, drought resistance)
✔ Root stimulation and deeper growth
✔ Improved flowering and produce yields
✔ Reduced plant transplant shock
✔ 100% Organic Australian Bull Kelp
To apply Organic Liquid Kelp to your garden, mix with water at a ratio of 1:9 (kelp:water). Apply 10L of mixed solution to approx. 20m2 of garden or lawn.
Liquid Kelp is best used to supplement bacterial dominated growing environments such as lawns, vegetables and ornamentals.
Best used within 8 months of product purchase date.
For fungal dominated growing environments such as trees, orchards and grapevines, use Liquid Fish instead to support a more fungal dominated growing environment.
For complete nutrient profile breakdown, please visit:
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Microstart is an Australian-owned and family operated company run by Darren and Ryan Kuchel.
After working with Australian farmers to help organically improve soil biology and pasture health and production, Darren and Ryan are now excited to offer their 100% natural biological solutions to gardeners across the country.
Our goal is to help as many Australian farmers and gardeners to move away from harmful chemicals and artificial applications, so that they can grow the healthiest, most nutritious produce 100% naturally by utilizing the exciting science of biological and regenerative horticulture and agriculture.
We work closely with world renowned soil biologist Dr Mary Cole from Agpath Australia to ensure that our biological products are the highest quality they can possibly be.
You can learn more about our biological solutions for farmers by going to www.microstartfarming.com.au.